Tag Archives: notes

While America Slept, The Banksters Robbed Us Blind

America has no money any longer and it’s been that way for awhile. It’s not the people’s money of the United States, its Foreign Banker’s money as Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express or Federal Pizza Parlor. Just Look up Federal Reserve in the phone book, you will Not find it under Government Offices. It’s with Federal Express and Federal Pizza.

These foreign Bankers are doing the same to Greece as they are to us, who were Ponzi schemed as we are by them, then and now. If this really was America’s money it would say United States Treasury Note on the top of the bill, instead of Federal Reserve Note.

If congress was following the Constitution and controlling the money, there would be no interest on the money, it would be Interest Free and backed by Silver or Gold to stop printing out of control as these criminals running the Federal Reserve are doing now.

We should tell China to arrest the world Bankers to get the money owed to them, so all countries can go back to Honest Money. Then things will be adjusted so that a candy bars will once again be bigger and only cost a nickel as it once was when money was backed by silver and gold coins.

This concept worked before 1913 when these Bankers took over our money and then later the world’s honest money and replaced it over time with a complete “Fiat” money system, which is no more valuable than “Monopoly Game” money.

A matter of fact these Elitist Corporate Banksters like gangsters are playing full size board games with the people of Earth that is “Monopoly” and “Risk”. Ones a “Financial” game and the other is a “War” game. See what I Mean?

We are being played “Dupes” by them as they have bought and paid for our government politicians over time and made them corrupt and no longer follow “Constitutional Principles“.

Stand up and stop them now before these games become a permanent fixture on the world…Just Say No More and let them know The Game Is Up! And we are on to them. We are not playing “Games” anymore.

Sure it will hurt at first, but the rewards of freedom and self governing countries once more will be worth it. Remember, these bankers are behind the Terrorist for they are the only ones rich enough to have the money and power to create any organization they want and use them to keep the “Elitist” families in power.

Go after them (The Banksters) and not their pawns that they create. Go for the Serpent’s Head and not the body. Then we can end this greed and return to real money gold and silver coins. We can finish what president Kennedy wanted, to have silver certificates to pay our debts and therefore saving our country and the world from default.

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